PEC-Biblioteca – Comparatistas – english version
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *
Le Temps du Récit – Colloque organisé à la Casa de Velázquez les 14, 15 et 16 janvier 1988 (Rencontres 3)
Madrid - Casa de Velázquez,1989 (Disponível) []
Análise Social – Revista do Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa – vol. XXXIV, Outono de 1999
Lisboa - Instituto de Ciências Sociais,2000 (Disponível) []
In Other Words – The Journal for Literary Translators nº 8/9, Winter/Spring 1997
London - Translators Association / Society of Authors,1997 (Disponível) []
Liiératures Classiques – La traduction au XVIIe Siècle – Numero 13 – Octobre 1990
Paris - Klincksieck,1990 (Disponível) []
Palimpestes – Revue du Centre de Recherches en Traduction et Stylistique Comparée de l’Anglais et du Français – nº 8: Le Traducteur et ses Instruments
Paris - Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle,1993 (Disponível) []
Palimpestes – Revue du Centre de Recherches en Traduction et Stylistique Comparée de l’Anglais et du Français – nº 8: Le Traducteur et ses Instruments – Textes de Référence
Paris - Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle,1993 (Disponível) []
Palimpestes – Revue du Centre de Recherches en Traduction et Stylistique Comparée de l’Anglais et du Français – nº 4: Retraduire
Paris - Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle,1990 (Disponível) []
Palimpestes – Revue du Centre de Recherches en Traduction et Stylistique Comparée de l’Anglais et du Français – nº 4: Retraduire – Textes de Référence
Paris - Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle,1990 (Disponível) []
Polifonia – Revista do Grupo Universitário de Investigação em Línguas Vivas (UNIL) – nº 3 – 2000
Lisboa - Edições Colibri,2000 (Disponível) []
Translation Studies Abstracts – Vol. 2, Number 1, 1999
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1999 (Disponível) []
Target – International Journal of Translation Studies, nº 9:2, 1997
Amsterdam, Philadelphia - John Benjamins Publishing Company,1997 (Disponível) []
Target – International Journal of Translation Studies, nº 9:1, 1997
Amsterdam, Philadelphia - John Benjamins Publishing Company,1997 (Disponível) []
The Translator – Studies in Intercultural Communication -Vol. 5, nº 1, 1999
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1999 (Disponível) []
The Translator – Studies in Intercultural Communication -Vol. 3, nº 2, 1997
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1997 (Disponível) []
The Translator – Studies in Intercultural Communication -Vol. 3, nº 1, 1997
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1997 (Disponível) []
The Translator – Studies in Intercultural Communication -Vol. 2, nº 1, 1996
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1996 (Disponível) []
Meta – Journal des Traducteur / Translators’ Journal – Organe d’Information et de Recherche dans les Domaines de la Traduction, de la Terminologie et de l’Interprétation – vol. 41, nº 3, Septembre 1996
Montréal - Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal,1996 (Disponível) []
A Literatura dos Descobrimentos – Identidade Nacional e Cultural em Relação ao Poder (1492-1992): Anais dos XXIV Seminário Nacional de Professores de Língua Inglesa
João Pessoa - CCHLA-, Universidade Federal da Paraíba,1993 (Disponível) []
Lao-Tse: Life and Work of the Forerunner in China – Received in the proximity of Abd-ru-shin through the special gift of one Called for the purpose
Gambier, Ohio - Grail Foundation Press,1995 (Disponível) []
Nova Bíblia dos Capuchinhos
Lisboa, Fátima - Difusora Bíblica,1998 (Disponível) []
The Translator – Studies in Intercultural Communication – vol. 7 – nº 1, 2001
Manchester - St. Jerome,2001 (Disponível) []
Time-Sharing on Stage – Drama Translation in Theatre and Society
Clevedon, Buffalo, Toronto, Sydney - Multilingual Matters,2000 (Disponível) []
ABREU, Maria Fernanda Antunes de
Românticos Portugueses por Caminhos de Dom Quixote: Garrett e Camilo – Cavaleiros andantes, manuscritos encontrados e gargalhadas moralíssimas (Dissertação de Doutoramento em Literaturas Românicas Comparadas)
Lisboa - Universidade Nova de Lisboa,1992 (Disponível) []
ADAM, Barbara (org.), ALLAN, Stuart (org.)
Theorizing Culture – An interdisciplinary critique after postmodernism
London - UCL Press,1995 (Disponível) []
ADAMSON, Jane (org.), FREADMAN, Richard (org.), PARKER, David (org.)
Renegotiating Ethics in Literature, Philosophy, and Theory
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne - Cambridge University Press,1998 (Disponível) []
AGAMBEN, Giorgio
The End of the Poem – Studies in Poetics
Stanford - Stanford University Press,1999 (Disponível) []
AGAMBEN, Giorgio
Paris - Payot & Rivages,1994 (Disponível) []
AGAMBEN, Giorgio
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AGAMBEN, Giorgio
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Lisboa - Caminho,1991 (Disponível) []
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ALLEN, Graham
London, New York - Routledge,2000 (Disponível) []
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Clevedon, Philadelphia, Adelaide - Multilingual Matters,1996 (Disponível) []
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Porto - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto,1999 (Disponível) []
ANDERSON, Benedict
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London, New York - Verso,1991 (Disponível) []
APPLETON, Maria Margarida dos Santos Graça Pontes
Catão: do Texto ao Teatro, III Parte – Análise das Variantes – Anexo
Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa,1999 (Disponível) []
APPLETON, Maria Margarida dos Santos Graça Pontes
Catão: do Texto ao Teatro (Dissertação de Mestrado em Literatura Comparada)
Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa,1999 (Disponível) []
Lisboa - INCM,1998 (Disponível) []
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Manchester, Oxford, Cambridge, MA - Ncc Blackwell,1994 (Disponível) []
BAKER, Mona (org.)
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London, New York - Routledge,1998 (Disponível) []
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The Practice of Cultural Analysis – Exposing Interdisciplinary Interpretation
Stanford - Stanford University Press,1999 (Disponível) []
BALAKRISHNAN, Gopal (org.)
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Castelnau-le-Lez - Climats,1990 (Disponível) []
BARKER, Francis (org.), HULME, Peter (org.), IVERSEN, Margaret (org.)
Colonial Discourse / Postcolonial Theory
Manchester, New York - Manchester University Press,1994 (Disponível) []
In Other Words – a coursebook on translation
London, New York - Routledge,1992 (Disponível) []
Comparative Literature- A Critical Introduction
Oxford, UK, Cambridge, MA - Blackwell,1993 (Disponível) []
BASSNETT, Susan (org.)
Translating Literature
Cambridge - D. S. Brewer,1997 (Disponível) []
BASSNETT, Susan (org.), TRIVEDI, Harish (org.)
Post-Colonial Translation – Theory and Practice
London, New York - Routledge,1999 (Disponível) []
Constructing Cultures – Essays on Literary Translation
Clevedon, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sydney, Johannesburg - Multilingual Matters,1998 (Disponível) []
BAUMAN, Zygmunt
Globalization – The Human Consequences
Cambridge, UK, Oxford, UK - Polity Press,1998 (Disponível) []
BELLINI, Giuseppe (org.)
Del Tradurre: 1 – Progetto Strategico sulla Traduzione – Sezione Iberistica
Roma - Bulzoni Editore,1992 (Disponível) []
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Del Tradurre: 2 – Progetto Strategico sulla Traduzione – Sezione Iberistica
Roma - Bulzoni Editore,1995 (Disponível) []
BERMAN, Antoine
The Experience of the Foreign – Culture and Translation in Romantic Germany
Albany - State University of New York Press,1992 (Disponível) []
BERMAN, Antoine
La Traduction et la Lettre ou l’Auberge du Lointain
Paris - Éditions du Seuil,1999 (Disponível) []
BERNHEIMER, Charles (org.)
Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism
Baltimore, London - The Johns Hopkins University Press,1995 (Disponível) []
BERTENS, Hans (org.), FOKKEMA, Douwe (org.)
International Postmodernism – Theory and Literary Practice
Amsterdam, Philadelphia - John Benjamins Publishing Company,1997 (Disponível) []
BERTHIER, Philippe (org.), RINGGER, Kurt (org.)
Littérature et Opéra – Colloque de Cerisy 1985
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BEVAN, David (org.)
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Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA - Rodopi,1990 (Disponível) []
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Translators’ Strategies and Creativity – Selected Papers from the 9th International Conference on Translation and Interpreting, Prague, September 1995
Amsterdam, Philadelphia - John Benjamins Publishing Company,1998 (Disponível) []
BLOOM, Harold
The Anxiety of Influence – A Theory of Poetry
New York, Oxford - Oxford University Press,1997 (Disponível) []
BLOOM, Harold
The Western Canon – The Books and the School of the Ages
New York, San Diego, London - Harcourt Brace & Company,1994 (Disponível) []
O Riso da Mulher de Trácia – Uma Pré-História da Teoria
Lisboa - Difel,1994 (Disponível) []
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The Practices of Literary Translation – Constraints and Creativity
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BRADY, Patrick
Interdisciplinary Interpretation of Art and Literature – The Principle of Convergence – With Illustrative Essays on Watteau, Delacroix, Manet / Zola, Proust, Camus
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BRENNAN, Timothy
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Cambridge, MA, London - Harvard University Press,1997 (Disponível) []
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A Sociocritique of Translation: Theatre and Alterity in Quebec, 1968-1988
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The Melodramatic Imagination – Balzac, Henry James, Melodrama, and the Mode of Excess
New Haven, London - Yale University Press,1995 (Disponível) []
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Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA - Rodopi,1994 (Disponível) []
BURKE, Kenneth
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BUSH, Peter (org.), MALMKJAER, Kirsten (org.)
Rimbaud’s Rainbow – Literary Translation in Higher Education
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Five Faces of Modernity – Modernism, Avant-Garde, Decadence, Kitsch, Postmodernism
Durham - Duke University Press,1987 (Disponível) []
Porquoi Lire les Classiques
Paris - Éditions du Seuil,1996 (Disponível) []
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Cambridge, UK, New York, Melbourne - Cambridge University Press,1996 (Disponível) []
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CHARD, Chloe
Pleasure and Guilt – Travel writing and imaginative geography 1600-1830
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Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa,1998 (Disponível) []
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This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.