PEC-Biblioteca – Comparatistas – english version
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *
RAFAEL, Vicente L.
Contracting Colonialism – Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog Society Under Early Spanish Rule
Durham, London - Duke University Press,1993 (Disponível) []
RAJCHMAN, John (org.)
The Identity in Question
New York, London - Routledge,1995 (Disponível) []
REDMOND, James (org.)
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press,1992 (Disponível) []
REIS, Mário Joaquim Aires dos
A Palavra, a Imagem, a Morte e a Mulher: Percepções do Mito de Crono em Clepsidra de C. Pessanha e em Em Nome da Terra de V. Ferreira (Tese de Mestrado em Literatura Comparada)
Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa,2000 (Disponível) []
REIS, Pedro Alexandre da Cunha
Problemática Genérica da Poesia Concreta (Dissertação de Mestrado em Literatura Comparada)
Lisboa - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa,1995 (Disponível) []
RENER, Frederik M.
Interpretatio – Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler
Amsterdam, Atlanta - Rodopi,1989 (Disponível) []
RITZER, George
The McDonaldization of Society
Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi - Pine Forge Press,2000 (Disponível) []
RIVKIN, Julie (org.), RYAN, Michael (org.)
Literary Theory: An Anthology
Malden, MA, Oxford, UK - Blackwell,1998 (Disponível) []
The Translator’s Turn
Baltimore, London - The Johns Hopkins University Press,1991 (Disponível) []
What is Translation? – Centrifugal Theories, Critical Interventions
Kent, Ohio, London, England - The Kent State University Press,1997 (Disponível) []
Translation and Empire  – Postcolonial Theories Explained
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1997 (Disponível) []
An Introduction to the Bible
London, New York, Victoria, Toronto, Auckland - Penguin Books,1999 (Disponível) []
Possible Worlds in Literary Theory
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne - Cambridge University Press,1994 (Disponível) []
RORTY, Richard
Truth and Progress – Philosophical Papers, Volume 3
Cambridge, UK - Cambridge University Press,1998 (Disponível) []
ROSE, Margaret A.
Parody: ancient, modern, and post-modern
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne - Cambridge University Press,1993 (Disponível) []
ROSE, Marilyn Gaddis
Translation Horizons Beyond the Boundaries of Translation Spectrum – Translation Perspectives IX
Binghamton - Center for Research in Translation/ State University of New York,1996 (Disponível) []
ROSE, Marilyn Gaddis
Translation and Literary Criticism – Translation as Analysis
Manchester - St. Jerome Publishing,1997 (Disponível) []
ROSE, Marilyn Gaddis (org.)
Translation Spectrum – Essays in Theory and Practice
Albany - State University of New York Press,1981 (Disponível) []
ROWE, John Carlos (org.)
“Culture” and the Problem of the Disciplines
New York - Columbia University Press,1998 (Disponível) []
This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.