CRISTINA MARTÍNEZ TEJERO – Comparatistas – english version


Title of the project: Cities, Tourism and Antagonistic Practices. Theoretical Dimensions and Case Studies on the Resistant Functions of Culture in Urban Contexts in the Iberian Space

Scholarship reference: UID/ELT/00509/2013 [LOCUS -RG-509-1996]

Start and end date: October, 2015 – September, 2019


Articulated with the scientific trends of renewal of study objects and methodologies, this project aims to focus on the new functions of cultural practices in current political, economic and social dynamics. To this end, special attention is paid to the intersection of these practices with tourism, given that tourist activities are considered one of the phenomena that best explain globalization and whose impacts on urban spaces are evident. The methodological framework adopted is plural and responds to recent developments in comparative studies, to which this research line also aims to contribute. The project is connected with active research chains at CEC, particularly with the clusters CILM, DIIA and Lit&Tour. This has resulted in interlinked lines of work that focus on the ideological load of culture in the contemporary world, the new dynamics of the literary field and the contrast between different cultural systems in the Iberian space.

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This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.