PEC-Biblioteca – Comparatistas – english version
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *
HALL, Stuart (org.)
Representation – Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices
Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi - Sage Publications/ The Open University,1997 (Disponível) []
Premises – Essays on Philosophy and Literature from Kant to Celan
Stanford - Stanford University Press,1996 (Disponível) []
Hermeneutics of Form – Romantic Poetics in Theory & Practice
New Haven - Henry R. Schwab,1998 (Disponível) []
HANNE, Michael (org.)
Literature and Travel
Amsterdam, Atlanta, GA - Rodopi,1993 (Disponível) []
HARRIS, Wendell V.
Beyond Poststructuralism – The Speculations of Theory and the Experience of Reading
University Park, PA - The Pennsylvania State University Press,1996 (Disponível) []
HARRISON, Charles (org.), WOOD, Paul (org.)
Art in Theory – 1900-1990, An Anthology of Changing Ideas
Cambridge, MA, Oxford, UK - Blackwell,1992 (Disponível) []
HARTMAN, Geoffrey H.
The Fateful Question of Culture
New York - Columbia University Press,1997 (Disponível) []
The Condition of Postmodernity – An Enquiry into the Origins of Cultural Change
Cambridge, MA, Oxford, UK - Blackwell,1990 (Disponível) []
HATIM, Basil, MASON, Ian
The Translator as Communicator
London, New York - Routledge,1996 (Disponível) []
HAYS, Michael (org.), NIKOLOPOULOU, Anastasia (org.)
Melodrama – The Cultural Emergence of a Genre
New York - St. Martin’s Press,1996 (Disponível) []
HESS, Rainer, SIEBENMANN, Gustav, FRAUENRATH, Mireille, STEGMANN, Tilbert
Diccionario Terminológico de las Literaturas Románicas
Madrid - Gredos,1995 (Disponível) []
HICKEY, Leo (org.)
The Pragmatics of Translation
Clevedon, Philadelphia, Toronto, Sydney, Johannesburg - Multilingual Matters,1998 (Disponível, (2 exs.)) []
Mikhail Bakhtin – An Aesthetic for Democracy
Oxford - Oxford University Press,1999 (Disponível) []
Nations and Nationalism since 1780 – Programme. Myth, Reality
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press,1992 (Disponível) []
HOLLAND, Patrick, HUGGAN, Graham
Tourists with Typewriters – Critical Reflections on Contemporary Travel Writing
Ann Arbor - The University of Michigan Press,1998 (Disponível) []
HOLMES, James S.
Translated! – Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies
Amsterdam - Rodopi,1988 (Disponível) []
Histoire de la Traduction en Occident – France, Grande-Bretagne, Allemagne, Russie, Pays-Bas
Paris - Duculot,1991 (Disponível) []
HORNER, Winifred Bryan (org.)
The Present State of Scholarship in Historical and Contemporary Rhetoric
Columbia, Missouri, London - University of Missouri Press,1990 (Disponível) []
HOUSE, Juliane
Translation Quality Assessment – A Model Revisited
Tübingen - Gunter Narr Verlag,1997 (Disponível) []
Imagens de Modernidade – Ensaios sobre Poesia e Arte
Lisboa - Edições Colibri,1995 (Disponível) []
HUNT, Peter
Literature For Children  – Contemporary Criticism
London, New York - Routledge,1992 (Disponível) []
This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.