Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca – Comparatistas – english version

Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca

PhD Researcher


Biographical noteIsadora Fonseca

Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca (1979) has a PhD in Sociology of Culture from the Social Sciences Institute, University of Lisbon (2014). “The Press and the Empire in Portuguese Africa, 1842-1974”, her PhD thesis, gave attention to the relations between the press and socio-political dynamics of colonial imperialism. She has published articles regarding the press, journalism and political regimes in the context of colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries, with a focus on Lusophone countries. The socio-history of the press and the public sphere in the space of Portuguese colonial imperialism is her main issue of research. She is member of the International Group for Studies of the Colonial Periodical Press of the Portuguese Empire (IGSCP-IP). As a journalist, she has lived and worked in Brazil, Portugal, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Macau.

Main areas of research

  • Portuguese Colonialism;
  • Periodical Press;
  • Journalism;
  • Public Sphere;
  • Africa.

Selected publications

  • FONSECA, I. de A. 2017. “O Intransigente: a contribuição da imprensa de Angola na durabilidade do Estado Novo”, in Salazar, o Estado Novo e os Media, José Luís Garcia, Tânia Alves e Yves Léonard (coord.), Lisboa: Edições 70.
  • FONSECA, I. de A. 2016. “Dilatando a fé e o império: A Imprensa na Guiné no colonialismo (1880-1973)”, Revista Media & Jornalismo, nº 29, Vol. 16,  Outubro, pp. 119-138.
  • FONSECA, I. de A. 2014. “A imprensa e o império colonial em São Tomé e Príncipe (1857-1974)”, Comunicação Pública, Vol. 9. Nº 16. DOI: 10.4000/ cp. 842.
  • FONSECA, I. de A., GARCIA, J.L. 2013. “A imprensa e a emergência do jornalismo no Moçambique monárquico”, Revista Brasileira de História da Mídia (RBHM), Vol. 3, nº 1, Jan-Jun, pp. 115-123.

Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.

Legacies of Empire and Colonialism in Comparative Perspective / CITCOM

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.