P.I.: Elsa Peralta


Placed at the crossroads between the social sciences and the humanities, this project intends to address the many ways in which the colonial past is present in the old European colonizing centers, just as it is present in the colonized countries.

Based on an anthropology of colonial legacies (BENOIT DE L’ESTOILE, 2008), it is considered that this presence, which can be more or less visible, is embodied in material culture, monuments, architecture, archives and museums, in popular culture, in eating habits and music, in political discourses and daily practices, and in the movements of people, goods and images.

The project intends to look at these incorporations, in the way they are socially lived, spoken and represented. Focused especially on the Portuguese case, the project nonetheless seeks a strong comparative dimension, extending the analysis to the framework of a postcolonial Europe, where colonial legacies are simultaneously a field of hegemonies and ideological disputes.


  • Understand, through the research on theoretically based and empirically grounded cases, the multifaceted forms by which empire and colonialism still live in the mental and social landscapes of postcolonial Portugal.
  • Build a solid empirical basis for critically discussing the legacies of empire and colonialism in postcolonial Europe, thus contributing to the development of comparative research on the topic.
Selected publications

  • Cardão, Marcos, ‘Turismo e Império. Actualidades de Angola’, Folha da Cinemateca, 9 de Março de 2016.
  • Peralta, Elsa, and Lars Jensen, “From Austerity to Postcolonial Nostalgia: Crisis and National Identity in Portugal and Denmark” in Austere Histories in European Societies: Social Exclusion and the Contest of Colonial Memories, edited by Stefan Jonsson and Julia Willén, London & New York, Routledge, 2017, pp. 74-91.
  • Peralta, Elsa, Lisboa e a Memória do Império: Património, Museus e Espaço Público, Deriva/Le Monde Diplomatic, 2017.
  • Wieser, Doris / Moreira, Luciana: “O passado por dentro do presente: Guerra Colonial portuguesa e as reescritas da memória cultural”. Configurações  19, pp. 89-103, 2017.
  • Wieser, Doris / Prata, Ana Filipa (orgs.): Cities of the Lusophone World: Literature, Culture and Urban Transformations. Oxford: Peter Lang (Reconfiguring Identities in the Portuguese-Speaking World 7), 2018.

Selected activities

  • Cardão, Marcos, ‘Música, História e Nação. O nacionalismo pop nos anos 80’, Ciclo de Conferências no Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, 27 de Outubro de 2016.
  • Cardão, Marcos, Manuela Ribeiro Sanches, José Neves, ‘International Workshop Decolonising Knowledge, Subaltern Epistemologies’, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa (CEC – FLUL), Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC/FCSH/UNL). Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 28 de Outubro de 2016.
  • Cardão, Marcos, Sofia Sampaio Cyril Isnart, Gonçalo Mota, Nuno Domingos e Sérgio Bordalo e Sá (2016), Curator(s) Ciclo de cinema ‘Viagens, olhares e imagens: Portugal 1910-1980’, Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema, 2016.
  • Domingos, Nuno, Seminar “Sobre a história do futebol e da cultura popular em Maputo”, Encontros com a História, Desporto, Comunicação Social, Sociedade, Centro Português de Maputo, 14/3/2017
  • Peralta, Elsa, Seminar Cultural Heritage and Politics of Memory: Theoretical Concepts and the Case of Portugal, Université du Luxembourg/University of Lisbon (ICS, ISCSP, CEC-FLUL), 2-6 May, 2017.
This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.