Ana Bela Morais
FLUL Assistant Researcher
Biographical note
Ana Bela Morais graduated in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon) in 2001. She had a grant from the FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) from November 2003 to October 2004, to do an MA Thesis entitled “Onde o tempo se suspende. Tensão entre amor e violência na obra de Vergílio Ferreira” (“Where time suspends itself. Tension between Love and Violence in the Work of Vergílio Ferreira”). She had a short grant from the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and another from the Fundação Luso-Americana to study Contemporary Cinema at Brown University (Providence / Rhode Island / USA) from September to December 2006, as Visiting Scholar. She had a PhD grant in Cultural Studies on “Violência e identidade no cinema na passagem do século XX para o século XXI” (“Violence and Identity in Cinema from the Late Twentieth Century to 2004”). She had a Post-doctoral Grant in History and Cultural Studies on “Cinema e Censura: amor e violência em Portugal e Espanha (1968-1974)” (“Cinema and Censorship: love and violence in Portugal and Spain (1968-1974)”). She currently is a researcher at Center for Comparative Studies with the project: “Censura e Cinema no Espaço Ibérico, de 1968 à actualidade” (“Censorship and Cinema in the Iberian Space, from 1968 to the present day”), coordinates the LOCUS Group of the same Centre and teaches History of Cinema and Cinema and Literature at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon).
Main areas of research
- Cinema and History
- Cultural Studies
- Analysis of Film Narratives
- Cultural History
- Literary Studies
Selected publications
- Morais, Ana Bela (2014) “Interdito e entre dito: reflexões em torno da autocensura na cinematografia portuguesa.” In Diálogos sobre censura e liberdade de expressão Brasil e Portugal. Organizado por Maria Cristina Castilho Costa, São Paulo, Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA / USP): 159-173.
- Morais, Ana Bela (2016)“Censored and Banned: Portuguese Films during the Government of Marcello Caetano (1968–74)”, Portuguese Studies, vol. 32, no. 1, Modern Humanities Research Association: 88–107.
- Morais, Ana Bela (et alea) Lit., (2017) Los Limites del Hispanismo. Nuevos métodos, nuevas fronteras, nuevos géneros. Oxford, Bern, Berlin (…), Peter Lang.
- Morais, Ana Bela (2017), Censura ao Erotismo e Violência. Cinema no Portugal Marcelista (1968-1974). Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.
- Morais, Ana Bela (2017) “Censorship in Spain and Portugal of Spanish and Latin American Films (1968–1974): A Comparative Perspective” In Carlos Garrido Castellano e Santiago Pérez Isasi (eds.) Interlitteraria – 22/1 – Creation, Political Repression and Censorship. Tartu (Estónia): University of Tartu Press, pp. 93-106.
- Morais, Ana Bela (et alea) Coord. (2018) Nas dobras do real. Homenagem a Teresa (Salema) Cadete. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus.
- Morais, Ana Bela (2020) “A woman censor during the Portuguese dictatorship (1968-1974)” In Elena Cordero-Hoyo and Begoña Soto-Vázquez (eds.) Women in Iberian Filmic Culture. A Feminist Approach to the Cinemas of Portugal and Spain. Bristol, UK / Chicago, USA: Intellect, pp. 132-145.
- Morais, Ana Bela (2020) “Portugal no contexto marcelista. A receção de filmes brasileiros (1968-1974)” In Revista de História das Ideias. Vol. 38. 2ª Série (2020), pp. 337- 358.
- Morais, Ana Bela (2020) “Liberdade de expressão: corpo, melodrama e existência em Hable con ella” In Paulo Cunha, Fernando González García e Filipa Rosário (coord.) Procesos intermediales. Cine, literatura, espacio. Madrid: Sial Pigmalión, pp. 251-273
- Morais, Ana Bela (2021) Cartas a uma Ditadura. Dossier Pedagógico. Lisboa: Plano Nacional de Cinema, Instituto do Cinema Português e Cinemateca Portuguesa-Museu do Cinema.
Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.
DIIA – Iberian and Ibero-American Dialogues / LOCUS
Censorship and Cinema in Iberia from 1968 to the present day (2019-2022)