Yana Kaufmann – Comparatistas – english version

Yana Kaufmann

Non PhD Researcher

Yana KaufmannE-mail: yana.kaufmann@hotmail.com

Biographical note

Graduated in Social Communication / Journalism at Estácio de Sá University. Finalized with the thesis 5x Favela – Agora por quem mesmo?, where she made a comparison between the films Cinco vezes favela (1962) and 5x – Agora por nós mesmos (2010) addressing themes such as the image of violence, poverty and the favela carioca in the cinema. Approved in second place in the Master of Social Communication / Cinema of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro continued styding the thematic of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Developed the essay Unidades de Cinema Pacificador directed to the implementation of the UPPs (Unidades de Cinema de Pacificador) in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. During the two years of the research she analyzed several films with the same theme and chose as object the first two documentaries made about the UPPs: Morro dos Prazeres (2013) and 5x Pacificação (2012). The theory of the documentary and the bibliography about the favela in the cinema were the basis for the deconstruction of the films. Now, the researcher is working independently with a doctorate project to follow up on public security issues and to deepen the analysis of the image of the Rio de Janeiro favelas in cinema and media.

Main areas of research

  • Cinema;
  • Documentary;
  • Slum;
  • Poverty;
  • Violence.

Cinema and the World: Studies on Space and Cinema / THELEME

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.