Sara Eckerson
PhD Researcher
Biographical note
Sara received her PhD from the Programme in Literary Theory, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, in 2016, with a dissertation on Beethoven. She studies the way performance practice, philosophy, and literature can bring new insights to musical meaning. Her academic interests include music history, musicology, hermeneutics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of music. She has written several articles on the philosophy of music and essays of music criticism. Before coming to the University of Lisbon, Sara studied music and literature at New York University. She earned her B.A. from New York University in 2006.
Main areas of research
- Beethoven’s musical notation and musical expression;
- Handel and Oratorio;
- Hermeneutics and Music;
- Philosophy of Music;
- Aesthetics of Music.
Selected publications
Peer-reviewed publications
- “The Material and ‘Inner Life’ in Music: Beethoven, Psychological Coherence, and Meaning” in Humanities, 4(3), [September 11, 2015], pp. 418-435. [ISSN 2076-0787] More info.
- “Contrarianism in the Philosophy of Music and the Role of the Idea in Musical Hermeneutics and Performance Interpretation,” in Teorema, Vol. XXXI/3, 2012, pp. 137-148. [ISSN: 0210-1602] More info.
Music Criticism
“On Handel’s Saul at the Glyndebourne” (N. 10, May 2017), Journal of the Program in Literary Theory, University of Lisbon. More info.
“On Style in Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis,” in Forma de Vida (N. 9, January 2017), Journal of the Program in Literary Theory, University of Lisbon. More info.
Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.