Raquel Schefer – Comparatistas – english version

Raquel Schefer

Post-Doctoral Researcher

E-mail: raquelschefer@gmail.com

Biographical note


Raquel Schefer is a researcher, a filmmaker, and a film curator. She holds a Ph.D. in Film and Audiovisual Studies from the Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University, with a dissertation on Mozambican revolutionary cinema, a Master in Documentary Cinema from the University of Cinema of Buenos Aires, and a degree in Communication Sciences from the New University of Lisbon. She published the book “El Autorretrato en el Documental” (“Self-Portrait in Documentary”) in 2008, in Argentina, as well as several book chapters and articles in Portugal and abroad. She was an Assistant Professor at the University of Grenoble Alpes and a Teaching Assistant at Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 University, Paris Est – Marne-la-Vallée University, Rennes 2 University, and the University of Cinema of Buenos Aires. Currently, she is a post-doctoral FCT fellow at the CEC/University of Lisbon and the University of the Western Cape, and a co-editor of the quarterly of theory and history of cinema “La Furia Umana”. Her research focuses on the articulations between aesthetics and politics, avant-garde and experimental cinema, political and anti-colonial cinema, the relationships between modernism and primitivism, and the self-portrait in cinema.

Main areas of research

  • Aesthetics and politics;
  • Avant-garde and experimental cinema;
  • Political and anti-colonial cinema;
  • Modernism and primitivism;
  • Self-portrait in cinema.

Selected publications

  • El Autorretrato en el Documental. Figuras / Máquinas / Imágenes. Buenos Aires: Ediciones  Universidad del Cine, 2008, 216 p. Link (re-edição electrónica de 2013). More info.
  • “Between the Visible and the Invisible: ‘Mueda, Memória e Massacre’ by Ruy Guerra and the Cultural Forms of the Makonde Plateau”. (Re)imagining African Independence. Film,Visual Arts and the Fall of the Portuguese Empire / ed. por Maria do Carmo Piçarra e Teresa Castro. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 47-64. More info.
  • “The Return of the Newsreel (2011-2016) in Contemporary Cinematic Representations of the Political Event”. Comparat/ive Cinema. Número especial EZTETYKA (ed. por Albert Elduque e Gonzalo de Lucas), 2017, nº 9, Maio de 2017, Bilingue Inglês-Castelhano. More info (english). More info (castilian).
  • “‘Mueda, Memória e Massacre’, de Ruy Guerra, o projecto cinematográfico moçambicano e as formas culturais do Planalto de Mueda”, Comunicação e Sociedade. Número especial “Imaginários Coloniais: Propaganda, Militância e ‘Resistência’” (ed. por Maria do Carmo Piçarra, Teresa Castro e Rosa Cabecinhas), Universidade do Minho, Junho   de 2016, nº 29, p. 27-77 (Bilingue Português-Inglês). More info (portuguese). More info (english).
  • “Representações cinematográficas da ditadura militar argentina (1976-1983)”. Ditaduras Revisitadas / ed. por Denize Araújo, Eduardo Morettin e Vitor Reia-Baptista. Faro: CIAC/Universidade do Algarve, 2016, pp. 124-151. More info.
  • “Militante e experimental. Apuntes sobre política y poética en el cine argentino”. Poéticas  del Movimiento. Aproximaciones al cine y vídeo experimental argentino / ed. por Clara Garavelli e Alejandra Torres. Buenos Aires: Libraria, 2015, pp. 97-111. More info.
  • “The Birth of Fiction: On ‘Mueda, Memória e Massacre’, by Ruy Guerra”. Africa’s Lost Classics: New Histories of African Cinema / ed. por Lizelle Bisschoff e David Murphy. Oxford: Legenda, Maney Publishing, 2014, pp. 168-173. More info.
  • “Fictions of the Liberation Struggle: Ruy Guerra, José Cardoso, Zdravko Velimirovic”, Kronos: Southern African Histories. Número especial The Liberation Script in Mozambican History, ed. por Rui Assubuji, Paolo Israel e Drew Thompson, XXXIX, Novembro de 2013, pp. 298-315. More info.

Visual Culture, Migration, Globalization and Decolonization / CITCOM

The trance of the real: modernism and primitivism in anti-colonial and post-colonial cinema

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.