Pénélope Patrix
Post-doctoral Researcher
E-mail: ppatrix@letras.ulisboa.pt
Biographical note
Pénélope Patrix is a Postdoctoral Fellow (FCT) at the Centre for Comparative Studies (CEC) of the Universidade de Lisboa and an associate researcher at the Centre d’Études et de Recherches Interdisciplinaire en Lettres, Arts et Cinéma (CERILAC) of the Université Paris Diderot. She has lectured at the School of Arts and Humanities of the Universidade de Lisboa, at the Department of Plastic Arts of the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the Department of Literature, Arts and Cinema of the Université Paris Diderot, where she received her PhD in Literature and Arts (spec. Comparative Literature/Arts) with the thesis “Imaginaire des bas-fonds et poétique ‘canaille’ dans la chanson urbaine. Le tango et le fado, des marges au patrimoine immatériel” (2014). In 2015-2016 she was Postdoctoral Fellow at the Laboratoire d’excellence Création, Arts, Patrimoines (Labex CAP), attached to the Centre de Recherche sur les Arts et le Language (CRAL) of the École des Hautes Études em Sciences Sociales (EHESS). In 2016-2017 she was Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Social Science (ICS) of the Universidade de Lisboa (FMSH/ICS funding). Her current research focuses on poetics and narratives of urban songs, in particular the ‘heritagisation’ of Lisbon fado (mediation/remediation), and on an epistemology of song and performative poetry (intermediality, relations between text, music and voice, challenges of comparatism). At the CEC, she is involved in activities of the THELEME group – Interart and Intermedia Studies. Since 2009, she has organised and participated in various academic activities and publications around modern and contemporary song, oral and performative poetries, Intangible Heritage and heritagisation of popular culture, marginal and subaltern arts and poetics, and the relations between literature, arts and anthropology, in France, Portugal and Brasil.
Main areas of research
- Song;
- Performative poetry;
- Urban imagination;
- Intermediality;
- Ethnopoetics.
Selected publications
- “Le répertoire du fado ou la tradition en action”, 2016, Intermédialités/Intermedialities, vol. 28-29, “Refaire / Redoing”, Université de Montréal, (online). More info.
- “Exposer la voix. Médiatisations du fado au Musée du Fado de Lisbonne ”, 2017, Cahiers du LABEX CAP, vol. 5, “Transactions Patrimoniales”, Presses Universitaires de la Sorbonne, 2017 (forthcoming, under press). More info.
- “Le Fado, ‘patrimoine immatériel’ : vivant ou monument ?”, 2015, in Isabelle Barbéris (ed.), L’archive dans les arts vivants. Performance, danse, théâtre, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, coll. «Le Spectaculaire», 2015, pp. 148-157. More info.
- “De Villoldo à Gardel, changement de rythme et effets poétiques dans la chanson tango”, 2013, Cahiers de Littérature Orale, n° 73-74, “D’un rythme à l’autre”, pp. 157-176 (online). More info.