Patrícia Lourenço
PhD Student
Patrícia Lourenço holds a degree in Psychology (2007). She finished her MA in Clinical Psychology in 2009, with a dissertation focusing on narcisisism and Mário de Sá-Carneiro. At the present moment she is a PhD student in Comparative Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Lisbon. Her doctoral research focuses on cultural memory and perpetrator fictions. Since 2015 she is the editor-in-chief of estrema, an online journal of CEC.
Main areas of research
- Memory Studies;
- Holocaust Literature;
- Perpetrator Studies;
- Literature and emotions;
- Literature and psychoanalysis.
Selected publications
Lourenço, P. 2016. (De)Formar e (trans)formar a tradição: A recepção da Oresteia em Les Bienveillantes de Jonathan Littell. In Théâtre: esthétique et pouvoir. Tome 2: XX et XXI siècles, ed. Bruno M. Henriques, José Camões et Maria João Almeida, 417-434. Paris: Éditions Le Manuscrit.
Lourenço, P. 2012. As Benevolentes, de Jonathan Littell: Variações sobre o tema do mal. estrema: Revista Interdisciplinar de Humanidades 1, disponível em
Lourenço, P. 2012. Recensão a The Christipher Bollas Reader. Dedalus: Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada, 16: 299-300.
Lourenço, P. 2008. Following Narcissus traces in the work of Mário de Sá-Carneiro. Literature and Psychoanalysis, ed. Frederico Pereira, 135-146. Lisboa: ISPA.