Kelly Basilio – Comparatistas – english version

Kelly Basilio

Senior Lecturer (retired)


Biographical note

Kelly Benoudis Basilio (PhD, Univ. of Lisbon, 1990) is Associate Professor (with teaching aggregation, 2008) of French Literature and Culture and Comparative Studies (School of Arts and Humanities, Univ. of Lisbon). She coordinated Interart Studies project (currently renamed SYNESTHESIA) and THELEME group (2007-2013) at the Centre for Comparative Studies.

Selected publications

  • 2007. (org.). Concerto das Artes. Porto: Campo das Letras.
  • 2001. (org.). Harmonias, Act 4. Lisboa: Colibri.
  • 1998. “L´oeuvre manquée ou la femme sans tête”, Romantisme. nº 99.
  • 1995. (Ed.). Ariane nº 13. Littérature et Culture. Lisboa: Cosmos e GUELF.
  • 1994. (Co-ed.). Poesia e Ciência. Lisboa: Cosmos e GUELF.

Synesthesia / THELEME

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.