José Bértolo
PhD Researcher
Biographical note
José Bértolo completed his PhD in Comparative Studies (2019) at the University of Lisbon, (joint partnership with the U. Bologna (Italy) and KU Leuven (Belgium)) with a PhD Fellowship from FCT. He has been a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies since 2013 and he also integrates the research team of Cátedra Cascais Interartes. Between 2013 and 2016 he held a Scientific Research Grant in the FCT-funded project False Movement — Studies on Writing and Film. He co-founded CEC clusters Cinema and the World — Studies on Space and Cinema, (Re)Written on the Wind — Melodrama among the Arts, and RIAL – Reality and Imagination in Art and Literature. Currently, he collaborates with RIAL, where he coordinates the line of research “Image”. He was a Teaching Assistant at the U. Lisbon in 2017-2018 (teaching Film Analysis), and a Visiting Research Assistant at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle — Paris 3 (2019). He has curated film cycles in academic and cultural institutions (U.Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities, Cinemateca Portuguesa, among others), published books and articles on film studies, and presented work in Portugal, France and the UK. In 2020, he co-edited, with Margarida Medeiros, a special issue of the Journal of Communication and Languages dedicated to “Photography, Cinema, and the Ghostly”.
Main areas of research
- Film theory and philosophy (representation, figuration, ontology and materiality);
- Film history (French cinema, Portuguese cinema, silent film, avant-gardes and new waves);
- Film analysis;
- Intermediality (film, literature, photography, painting);
- Realism and spectrality in art.
Selected publications
Books (author and editor)
- Bértolo, José (2020), Espectros do Cinema: Manoel de Oliveira e João Pedro Rodrigues. Lisboa: Documenta
- Bértolo, José, Fernando Guerreiro and Clara Rowland (2020), Imitações da Vida: Cinema Clássico Americano — Ensaios para Mário Jorge Torres. Lisboa: Bookbuilders.
- Bértolo, José and Fernando Guerreiro (2019), Morte e Espectralidade nas Artes e na Literatura. N. Famalicão: Húmus.
- Bértolo, José (2016), Sobreimpressões: Leituras de Filmes. Lisboa: Documenta.
- Bértolo, José (2016), Imagens em Fuga: Os Fantasmas de François Truffaut. Lisboa: Documenta.
- Bértolo, José and Clara Rowland (org.) (2015) A Escrita do Cinema: Ensaios. Lisboa: Documenta.
Articles and book chapters
- 2021 “Um Cinema da Mente: A Dança dos Paroxismos e a Primeira Vanguarda Francesa”, aniki: Portuguese Journal of the Moving Image, V. 8, N.º 1, 4-26.
- 2020 “Photography, Cinema, and the Ghostly: A Short Introduction” (with Margarida Medeiros), Journal of Communication and Languages, Issue 53, 15-21.
- 2020 “The Invisible Woman: Rebecca, after an Audiovisual Essay by R.V. Lisboa”, Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts, Issue 5, 138-142.
- 2019 “Falar na língua dos mortos: Wenceslau de Moraes e Paulo Rocha”, in Fernando Guerreiro and José Bértolo (eds.), Morte e Espectralidade nas Artes e na Literatura. V.N. Famalicão: Húmus, 77-93.
- 2017 “«Um lugar indeciso»: geografias do imaginário no ciclo asiático de João Pedro Rodrigues e João Rui Guerra da Mata”, in Catarina Nunes Almeida and Marta Pacheco Pinto (orgs.), O Oriente em Tradução: Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas Asiáticas no Espaço Luso. V.N. Famalicão: Húmus, 51-67.
- 2017 “Conjuring the Dead in Henry James’s The Altar of the Dead and François Truffaut’s La chambre verte”, in Donata Meneghelli and Massimo Fusillo (eds.), A Story Is Always Born Twice: Issues on Adaptation. Lentini: Duetredue Edizioni, 15-28.