Gonçalo Cordeiro
PhD Researcher
E-mail: g_cordeiro@sapo.pt
Biographical note
Gonçalo Cordeiro received a PhD in Comparative Literature (University of Lisbon, 2011) and his dissertation was distinguished by the Centre for Portuguese Literature (University of Coimbra). He is currently a post-doctoral researcher at CEC, where he joined the World Literature in Portuguese project. He has formerly worked as Portuguese language assistant in the University of Strasbourg (France) and in the National University of Timor-Leste (East Timor). His main interests include Bible and Literature studies, Portuguese poetry, and archetypal criticism. He conducts a project on literary representations of sacredness.
Main areas of research
- Portuguese literature;
- Comparative literature;
- Literature and religion;
- Biblical and classical memory;
- East / West cultural axis.
Selected publications
- “Macau, pérola prodigiosa: a comparação como saída de si”, De Portugal a Macau: filosofia e literatura no diálogo das culturas, edição de Maria Celeste Natário et alii. Porto: Universidade do Porto, 2017.
- “Modulações teopoéticas da história. Épica e profecia em Corsino Fortes”, Estudos Neolatinos 19/2 (Maio-Agosto), 2017.
- “Poésie et profanation. Figurations de la cène chez Miguel Torga and Herberto Helder”, Donner un nom à l’obscur. Écritures du divin, écritures du sacré dans la poésie ibérique et latino-américaine, edição de Nuria Rodríguez Lázaro e Sandra Teixeira. Poitiers : CRLA-Archives, 2015.
- “Poesia com mundo. O escudo de Aquiles na Ilíada e a machina mundi em Os Lusíadas”, Literatura clássica ou os clássicos na literatura, edição de Cristina Pimentel e Paula Morão. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Húmus, 2015.
- “Ler de longe. Retórica da distância e da substituição em O Mandarim, de Eça de Queirós”, 452ºF – Journal of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature nº 13/2015.