Bruno Béu (ATÉ 30 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2019) – Comparatistas – english version

Bruno Béu (ATÉ 30 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2019)

PhD Researcher


foto_BrunoBéuBiographical note

Bruno Béu (PhD, Univ. of Lisbon, 2012) is a Doctorate Researcher at the Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon. He holds a Doctorate Degree in Philosophy from the University of Lisbon (thesis: Interrogativity and Apophaticism in Vergílio Ferreira’s Thought), for which he received a doctoral grant from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal). He has lectured at the University of Lisbon on subjects ranging from 19th- and 20th-century Portuguese Philosophy and Literature to Asian Philosophy and Religion, published several articles and given presentations on these subjects and others, such as Aesthetics, 20th Century Apophatic Discourses and Philosophy of Language. Co-editor (with Paulo Borges) of the volume of essays A Renascença Portuguesa. Tensões & Divergências (2016), and editor of Antero de Quental’s main philosophical work (with a selection of his essays, poetry and letters) Tendências Gerais da Filosofia na segunda metade do séc. XIX e outros textos (2013). He is the principal investigator of the project ESSE (“Facing Mirrors: Fernando Pessoa in Comparative Perspectives”) and a member of the project ORION (“Portuguese Orientalism”). His main research interests are: Philosophy and Literature, Asian Studies, 20th Century Portuguese Literature and Culture, Apophatic Discourses, Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Religion.

Main areas of research

  • Philosophy and Literature;
  • Contemporary Aesthetics and Apophatic Discourses;
  • Asian Studies;
  • 20th Century Portuguese Literature and Culture;
  • Philosophy of Language.

Selected publications

  • 2017. «The astonished silencing of things: the hypothesis of an apophatic tautology in the poetry of Fernando Pessoa’s heteronym Alberto Caeiro», in Contemporary Debates in Negative Theology and Philosophy, Nahum Brown e Aaron Simmons (Eds.), New York: Palgrave Macmillan. More info.
  • 2016. A Renascença Portuguesa. Tensões e Divergências, Paulo Borges e Bruno Béu de Carvalho (Eds.), Lisboa: CFUL. More info.
  • 2013. Quental, Antero de, Tendências Gerais da Filosofia na segunda metade do séc. XIX (e outros textos), Bruno Béu de Carvalho (Coord.), Lisboa: CFUL. More info.
  • 2013. «Fernando Pessoa: a saudade do presente e a infinita distância», in Actas do Colóquio Internacional Nietzsche, Pessoa e Freud, Paulo Borges, Nuno Ribeiro e Cláudia Souza (Eds.), Lisboa: CFUL. More info.
  • 2011. «Pierre Hadot: askesis espiritual e vida filosófica», in Memória & Sabedoria, José Pedro Serra, Helena Buescu, Ariadne Nunes and Rui Carlos Fonseca (Eds.), V. N. Famalicão: Ed Húmus / Centro de Estudos Clássicos / Centro de Estudos Comparatistas. More info.
  • 2007. «Impermanência e apofatismo: o dharma de Buda e o pensamento de Vergílio Ferreira», in O Buda e o Budismo no Ocidente e na Cultura Portuguesa, Paulo Borges e Duarte Braga (Eds.), Lisboa: Ed. Ésquilo.
  • 2007. «Afinidade entre o Budismo e o pensamento de Vergílio Ferreira, uma aproximação», Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões: “O Budismo, uma proximidade do Oriente. Ecos, sintonias e permeabilidades no pensamento português”, n.º 11, Lisboa: Centro de Estudos em Ciência das Religiões da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

ESSE – Facing Mirrors: Fernando Pessoa in Comparative Perspectives / MORPHE

ORION – Portuguese Orientalism / LOCUS

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.