Francesca Negro
PhD Researcher
Biographical note
Dr. Francesca Negro has a research background in Comparative Literature and Performance Studies. She has taught at BA and MA levels both in Italy, Portugal and England, and provided research supervision to BA and MA students. After dedicating herself for some years to Inter-Arts Studies in the THELEME group, especially studying the topic of the private space in literature with relation to architecture and Urban studies, she’s now focused on the area of Performance Studies of the African Diaspora, an area that she has been exploring in the last decade and that took her to a second master graduation In Performing Arts at Universidade Nova, in Lisbon. Her main work is divided among the edition of her first monograph: From Ritual to Stage. Afrocuban religious dances in their aesthetical and cultural development, which comes from the master thesis in Performing arts, and the writing of a critical edition and translation of an inedited play on the character of Zumbi dos Palmares, Brazilian iconic figure of the slaves rebellion in colonial age. She’s also collaborating to the research project Modern Moves, financed by ERC, in the research and analyses of the dances of Goa: developing a comparative structural analysis of Mandó dance in relation to contemporary and previous group dances and traditional popular dances alive in overseas territories of the Portuguese Empire. She is also currently teaching Italian Language and Culture at the Language Centre of the Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon.
Main areas of research
- Comparative Studies;
- Performing Arts;
- Post Colonial Studies;
- Cultural Anthropology;
- Cultural Studies.
Selected publications
- From Ritual to Stage. Afrocuban religious dances in their aesthetical and cultural development.
Books’ Edition
- “Público e Privado. O deslizar de uma fronteira”. Lisboa, Húmus, 2013.
Chapters in books
- “Waltz with Bashir: estética da guerra e da memória”, in Estética das Emoções, Lisboa Húmus 2011.
- “Memória e espaço. Italo Calvino:As Cidades Invisíveis e A Memoria do Mundo” in ACT 20 Filologia memoria esquecimento, Lisbon, 2010.
- “Katherine Dunham: choreographic reconstruction of the anthropologic journey”, for a volume on Katherine Dunham that will be edited by Ananya Kabir, and published by Pelgrave, UK. (forthcoming)
Peer reviewed Articles in Scholarly Reviews
- “Il corpo come frontiera, Paolo Volponi e Tiziano Scarpa” in, Between, Frontiere, Confini, Limiti Vol 1, N° 1. 2011. More info.
- “Il tempo dei luoghi: la memoria topográfica nell’opera di José Saramago” proceedings of the annual conference of COMPALIT 2007, N. Scaffai e C. A. Augieri (edit) “Memoria e Oblio: le scritture del tempo” «Compar(a)ison», 2008, Vol. I, p.187-195.
- “Os projectos brasileiros de Alvin Ailey e o Teatro popular brasileiro de Solano Trinidade” to be published in Brasiliana, Spring 2018. (forthcoming)
- “Zumbi dos Palmares” critical edition and translation of the inedited play by Solano Trinidade e Marcio Tati, to be published in Brasíliana. Spring 2018. (forthcoming)