Fernando Guerreiro
Senior Lecturer
E-mail: fernandoguerreiro@fl.ul.pt
Biographical note
Fernando Guerreiro is Associate Professor at the Romance Literatures Department of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, where he teaches French Literature and Culture (Visual Arts in France, French Cinema, Modern French Literature), Interart Studies (Cinema and Literature) and Film Studies (Film Analysis; Film History). As a researcher of the Centre for Comparative Studies, he collaborated with the projects “False Movement – Studies on Writing and Film” and “(Re)written in the Wind – Melodrama among the Arts”. Currently, he is the coordinator of the collective project “RIAL – Reality and Imagination in Art and Literature”. He has written extensively on Representation in painting, photography and film. Among other titles, he has authored the following books: Monstros Felizes – La Fontaine, Diderot, Sade, Marat (Colibri, 2000), O Caminho da Montanha (Angelus Novus, 2001), O Canto de Mársias – Por uma Poética do Sacrifício (Angelus Novus, 2001), Italian Shoes (Vendaval, 2005) e Teoria do Fantasma (Mariposa Azual, 2011). His latest book on the relations between cinema and modernity, Cinema El Dorado – Cinema e Modernidade (Colibri), was published in 2015.
Main areas of research
- Cinema and modernity;
- French Enlightenment and Romanticism;
- Interart studies (literature, painting, photography, cinema);
- Melodrama;
- Questions of image and representation.
Selected publications
- 2015 Cinema El Dorado – Cinema e Modernidade. Lisboa: Colibri.
- 2005 Italian Shoes. S.l.: Vendaval.
Articles and book chapters
- 2015 “Caligrafia e hieróglifo: a imagem do cinema em Herói, de Zhang Yimou”, in Clara Rowland e José Bértolo (org.), A Escrita do Cinema: Ensaios. Lisboa: Documenta.
- 2015 “Os mortos podem recordar? O problema da ficção em The Diary of Anne Frank de George Stevens (1959), Vértice, n.º 175, II.ª série, Maio-Junho.
- 2015 “Da importância dos substitutos” (prefácio), in Amândio Reis, O Livro Encenado: Escrita e Representação em Ana Teresa Pereira. Lisboa: Colibri.
- 2014 “Abel Gance: J’accuse (1919 e 1938) – Épico e melodrama”, Cadernos de Literatura Comparada, n.º 31.
- 2012 “Grãos de Pólen: Um Ano de Cinema – A Imagem Palimpsesto-hieróglifo”, in LyraCompoetics, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, FLUP. More info.
- 2008 “Cinepoiesis. O cinema astral de Manuel Gusmão”, in Helena Carvalhão Buescu e Kelly Benoudis Basílio (org.), Poesia e Arte, A Arte da Poesia: Homenagem a Manuel Gusmão. Lisboa: Caminho.
Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.
RIAL – Reality and Imagination in Art and Literature / THELEME