COMPARATIVE WORLD LITERATURE – Comparatistas – english version


P.I.: Helena Buescu


This project aims to structure and to develop the field of World Literature in Portugal, based on two theoretical assumptions: the comparative perspective and the estrangement of reading. It currently develops a set of anthologies (3 vols) on World Literature in Portuguese, based on the assumption that the world-scope of literatures in Portuguese, in terms of geographical spread (Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia) and of number of speakers (270 million) may be considered as a paradigmatic example for other cases. The project argues that it is necessary to develop a non-Eurocentric conception of European literatures, and that such is the case of literatures in Portuguese.


Up until 2020, WORLD LITERATURE will develop the following objectives:

  • completion of the 3-volume anthologies under research (the first part was published in 2017 and the second one in 2018);
  • preparation of a submission to an ERC Advanced Grant;
  • a project in Digital Humanities, through the design and development of a comprehensive website, with a cartographic visualization of the results of the 3-volume anthologies, historical and geographical maps, guidelines, and paradigmatic texts of the anthologies in digital version;
  • organization of the 2015 session of the Institute of World Literature (IWL), coordinated  by Harvard U, gathering 150 students and 25 faculty from top Universities around the globe;
  • advanced training, through regular invitations to top scholars in the field.


Helena Buescu
Amândio Reis
Ana Filipa Prata
Ana Margarida Fonseca
Camila Seixas e Sousa
Clara Rowland
Cristina Almeida Ribeiro
Flávia Domingas Mendes Ba
Francisco Marques
Gonçalo Cordeiro
Graciete Gomes da Silva
Inocência Mata
Joana Moura
José Pedro Serra
Marta Pacheco Pinto
Miriam de Sousa
Patrícia Couto
Patrícia Infante da Câmara
Rafael Esteves Martins
Simão Valente


  • 2011, 2012, and 2013: participation in the Summer session of the Institute of World Literature, respectively in Beijing (one student), Istanbul (one student), and Harvard Universities (one seminar leader, one student).
  • 2011, 2012, and 2013: invitation to scholars: David Damrosch (Harvard U); Martin Puchner (Harvard U); Karen Thornberg (Harvard U); David Jackson (Yale U); Wiebke Denecke (Boston U); Zhang Longxi (Hong-Kong U); Zhao Baisheng (Beijing U); Paulo Horta (New York U at Abu-Dhabi).
  • 2012: protocols were established with UNESCO and Project ELiCa ((University and School for a European Literary Canon)[ Ref. 2010/0782/001/001 CUP7 COOP7].
  • 2012: Workshop: (Literatura-Mundo e Inovação Pedagógica: Fundamentos e Práticas de Leitura FLUL), 1st edition.
  • 2012 – Intensive course taught on World Literature in Portuguese at PUC Porto Alegre (Brazil).
  • 2012-2013: the Project was presented in international conferences taking place at the following Universities and institutions: Gulbenkian Foundation; U Abu-Dhabi; U Roma (La Sapienza); U São Paulo; Real Gabinete de Leitura (Rio de Janeiro); U Aveiro; U Porto; U Stockholm.
  • 2013: Workshop: Literatura-Mundo e Inovação Pedagógica: Fundamentos e Práticas de Leitura (FLUL), 2nd edition.
  • 2013: a special issue of the Spanish journal of the Comparative Literature Association, 1616. Anuario de Literatura Comparada, devoted to “World Literature in Portuguese”, had as its guest-editor Helena Buescu. Six essays were published: Helena Buescu; Paulo Horta; Stefan Helgesson; Alva Teixeiro; Inocência Mata; Maria Graciete Silva.


  • 2012. Silva, Maria Graciete. “Cartografie prospettive: Letteratura Mondo e identità europea” in La Letteratura e la Formazione degli Europei, Roberto Antonelli, Marta Materni and Gioia Paradisi (ed.). Roma: Bagatto Libri. 73-80.
  • 2012. Buescu, Helena Carvalhão. “The Republic of Letters and the World Republic of Letters” in The Routledge Companion to World Literature, Theo D’Haen, David Damrosch and Djelal Kedir (eds.). London: Routledge. 126-135.
  • 2012. Um Cânone Literário para a Europa. Helena Carvalhão Buescu, Maria Graciete Silva e Cristina Almeida Ribeiro (orgs.).  V. N. Famalicão: Húmus.


  • Alto Patrocínio da Presidência da República Portuguesa
  • Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua
  • Comissão Nacional da UNESCO
  • Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
  • Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
  • ELiCa
  • Instituto Cultural Romeno
  • Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores


This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.