P.I.: Inocência Mata
The idea of launching a research project about this subject first arose after the seminar O GÉNERO AFRICANO: Meandros da Problemática do Género em África [The African Gender: the meanderings of gender problematics in Africa] in association with WELWITSCHIA – Casa da Cultura Angolana) held at the FLUL on 15 May 2013. It is noted that the media (e.g. Expresso, 11-05-2013) considered this event to be unprecedented, since in Africa the issue has only been discussed concerning the condition of women.
The project aims to discuss GENDER in different knowledge fields that are relevant in order to raise broad debates within feminist and masculinities theories and the critical analysis of different contexts and case studies in specific areas and across the multiple strands gender and sexual orientation through literary and media discourses in Portuguese-speaking world and mainly in African countries.
Keywords: Gender; sexuality; difference; representations; tradition.
This project has two research lines:
- Media Discourse as a reflection of the “traditional” approach to gender differences in the urban centres of the Five Portuguese-speaking African countries.
- Literary Discourse since the colonial era, using strategic symbols in the literary building of nation and contemporary imaginary categories of citizenship that go beyond “tradition”.
Inocência Mata (CEC, PI)
Claúdio Alves Furtado (UNI-CV, Cabo Verde/ UFBA, Brasil)
Maria Fernanda Gil Pinheiro da Costa (CEC-FLUL)
Mário César Lugarinho (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)
Margarida Paredes (ISCTE-IUL)
Larissa da Silva Lisboa Souza (USP)
Rayssa Marinho das Neves (FLUC)
- Centre for African Studies, Catholic University of Angola;
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Agostinho Neto University (Angola);
- University of São Paulo).
Other partners
Coming under the patronage of the Ministry of Culture, Angola:
- The National Institute of Cultural Heritage
- The National Archives of Angola
- The national Library of Angola
Potential partners:
- Centre for African Studies – Aquino Bragança/Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique;
- University of Cape Verde.
Seminar The African Gender: the meanderings of gender problematics in Africa, in association with WELWITSCHIA – Casa da Cultura Angolana – FLUL, May 15, 2013