DIGITAL MAP OF IBERIAN LITERARY RELATIONS (1870-1930) – Comparatistas – english version



P.I.: Santiago Pérez Isasi


By showcasting divers materials referring to Iberian literary relations (images, texts, secondary bibliography), this project aims at contributing both to the field of Iberian Studies, and to Digital Humanities in Portugal. This project, then, derives from two complementary lines of research: on the one hand, it is the result of the study of Iberian literatures as a complex cultural polysystem, with close interrelations that trascend and cross over national boundaries; on the other hand, it responds to recent advances in the field of literary chartography, particularly favored by the evolution of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

The Digital Map project also contributes to the development of IStReS (Iberian Studies Reference Site:, a database and website devoted to bibliographic references published in the 21st century in the field of Iberian Studies.


  • To create a corpus of authors, texts, events and institutions relevant for the comprehension of the Iberian geocultural space at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
  • To develop specific conceptual and methodological tools for the analysis of the literary and cultural reality of the Iberian Peninsula on the turn of the 19th to 20th century
  • To investigate the possibilities of visualization of literary and cultural phenomena through cartography, as a non-narrative and non-lineal way of historical fact presentation
  • To create website that serves as a starting point for future projects and subprojects that combine digital cartography and the Iberian geocultural space


  • Comunicação “Iberian Studies Reference Site (IStReS): Una herramienta para investigadores de Estudios Ibéricos” (com Esther Gimeno Ugalde) nas II Jornadas de Estudios Ibéricos. New Approaches and Research Practices in Iberian Studies, TU Chemnitz (Alemanha), 16-18 de Novembro de 2017
  • Comunicação “Mapa digital de relaciones literarias ibéricas (1870-1930): consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas”nas II Jornadas de Estudios Ibéricos. New Approaches and Research Practices in Iberian Studies, TU Chemnitz (Alemanha), 16-18 de Novembro de 2017
  • Painel “Estudios Ibéricos y Humanidades Digitales” no III Congresso da Sociedad Internacional Humanidades Digitales Hispánicas, Universidad de Málaga, 18-20 de Outubro de 2017, que inclui as comunicações “El proyecto IStReS: una base de datos de referencia para los Estudios Ibéricos” (com Esther Gimeno Ugalde) e “Mapa digital de las relaciones literarias ibéricas (1870-1930): cuestiones teóricas y metodológicas”
  • Número especial da revista Interlitteraria (coord. com Carlos Garrido Castellano) sob o tema Creation, Political Repression and Censorship in the Iberian context, Setembro de 2017: vol 22, 1.
  • Comunicação “Digital Map of Iberian Literary Relations: Some theoretical and methodological considerations”, Spatial Humanities Conference, Lancaster University, 15-16 de Setembro de 2016.
  • Comunicação “’IStReS: Iberian Studies Reference Site’: a tool for scholars in the field of (cultural) Iberian Studies” no colóquio da ACIS (Association of Contemporary Iberian Studies), University of East Anglia (Norwich, Reino Unido), 4-6 de Setembro de 2017.
  • Palestra de Jon Kortazar no âmbito dos seminários LOCUS: “Imágenes de Bilbao. Literatura y sociedad en dos antologías de relatos”, FLUL, 10 de Outubro de 2016.
  • Seminário Internacional “Estudos Ibéricos: Novos Espaços” (coorganizado com o projecto DIIA – LOCUS), FLUL, 27 de Maio de 2016.
  • Palestra de Blanca Ripoll (U. de Barcelona): “Mapear la poesía en vivo: cartografías literarias de Barcelona”, FLUL, 10 de Maio de 2017.
  • Palestra de Enrique Santos Unamuno (U. de Extremadura): “GIS-mapping y Humanidades Espaciales: de la geolocalización a la cartografía profunda”, FLUL, 26 de Fevereiro de 2016.


Santiago Pérez Isasi 
João Ribeirete (2017)
Catarina Sequeira Rodrigues (2018-9)Consultants

Duration of the project

February 1, 2015 – January 31, 2020


This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.