Reler Saramago – Comparatistas – english version

Reler Saramago

Editor: Lourdes Câncio Martins
Publisher: Edições Cosmos

Saramago’s texts, as they display their intrinsic fictionality (and the crisis of the belief on an absolute referentiality is one of the most distinctive traits of the writer), underline in a subversive manner the way that any discourse (whether it was canonized by historiography, church or literature) is charged with the personal and subjective mark of an always questionable truth. The supreme irony of the work, which is based on the processes of deconstructing canonical texts, invariably ends up desacralizing its own fiction: a possible world among many others. It must be said, however, that the strategy of rewriting does not approach established (or sacred) texts, but also appropriates the oral tradition, in order to question it when he inverts proverbs or recontextualizes popular adages. It is not then surprising that Saramago reacts against the conception of the narrator, considering in particular that it is impossible not to assign his author voice to that being of paper, involving it in the diegetic plot so that he can take on the regency of fictional process.

Reler Saramago. Paradigmas Ficcionais


  • Introdução
  • Reler José Saramago – Paradigmas Ficcionais
  • Terra do Pecado
  • Manual de Pintura e Caligrafia
  • Levantado do Chão
  • Memorial do Convento
  • O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis
  • A Jangada de Pedra
  • História do Cerco de Lisboa
  • O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo
  • Ensaio sobre a Cegueira
  • Todos os Nomes
  • A Caverna
  • O Homem Duplicado
  • Ensaio sobre a Lucidez
  • Bibliografia
This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.