O Pensamento tornado Dança – Comparatistas – english version

O Pensamento tornado Dança

Author: Ricardo Gil Soeiro
Publisher: Roma Editora
Year: 2009  

O pensamento tornado dança. Estudos em torno de George Steiner gathers a set of essays from renowned authors of various nationalities on the work of a man who is considered to be one of the greatest thinkers on culture and philosophy of our times.

A writer, essayist, literary critic, philosopher, and an educator, George Steiner was born in Paris in 1929, a son of Austrian parents of Jewish descent. In 1939, facing the Nazi threat in Europe, the Steiner family moved to New York, where George attended the Lycée Français de New York. He then studied at Yale, Chicago, Harvard and Oxford, where he received his doctorate. Later, he was a Professor in the universities of Princeton, Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, and Genève. In 1944, he would obtain American citizenship, although a great part of his life is linked to Europe.

His work constitutes a “very special crossing of knowledge acquired with personal experience” and it is marked by his “insistence in the role of language and the arts of language in the many modalities of communication and knowledge.”


  • Prefácio: O pensamento tornado dança: George Steiner e livros que ensinam a dançar, Ricardo Gil Soeiro
  • O Medo de George Steiner, Gonçalo M. Tavares
  • Apresentação de George Steiner, Vasco Graça Moura
  • Lições de George Steiner, João Lobo Antunes
  • Quase a nossa morada incerta: George Steiner e a Hermenêutica Radical, Ricardo Gil Soeiro
  • Steiner e a Incandescência da Tragédia, José Pedro Serra
  • O Homem como fim em si? De Kant a Heidegger e Jonas, Irene Borges-Duarte
  • Estará o Divino nos recortes e pormenores? A questão da mobilidade em George Steiner e Aby M. Warburg, Anabela Mendes
  • Um Steiner nietzschiano?, Rui Magalhães
  • We Come After: The Holocaust in Steinerian Thought, 1952-1971, Catherine Chatterley
  • The Educational Relevance of George Steiner’s Literary and Philosophic Thought, Saranne Magennis
  • El Arte de Preguntar: Sobre No Passion Spent y Grammars of Creation, Adolfo Castáñon
  • La Obra de George Steiner: La Lectura del Hombre, Alejandro Bayer Tamayo
  • La Parole Souffle sur notre Poussière: Essai sur l’oeuvre de George Steiner, Juan Asensio
  • Fragmentos sobre un pensador de (la) excepción , Marcelo Pellegrini
  • Ouvir Steiner: o código de Pasternak, José Eduardo Reis

Referências bibliográficas

I – Obras de George Steiner

II – Obras sobre George Steiner

III – Obras de George Steiner traduzidas para português

Notas biográficas sobre os autores

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.