Marta Pacheco Pinto – Comparatistas – english version

Marta Pacheco Pinto

Post-doctoral Researcher


marta 1Biographical note

Marta Pacheco Pinto (BA in Translation, 2006) has a PhD in Translation History (2013) from the University of Lisbon. She coordinates two research projects at the CEC: MOV. Moving Bodies: Itineraries and Narratives in Translation (CITCOM group) and TECOP. Texts and Contexts of Portuguese Orientalism: The International Congresses of Orientalists (1873-1973) (LOCUS group), which is funded by the Portuguese Research Council, FCT (PTDC/CPC-CMP/0398/2014). She is also co-PI of the VISTAC – Science and Technology Visuals in Translation project hosted at New Mexico Tech. She has published in peer-reviewed journals and co-edited collective volumes and two special issues of scientific journals: Cadernos de Tradução: Moving Bodies across Transland 37.1 (2017) and connexions: Translation and International Professional Communication: Building Bridges and Strengthening Skills 3.2 (2015). She is an early career researcher of the Journal of World Literature (Brill) and assistant director of the journal Textos e Pretextos.

Main areas of research

  • History of Translation;
  • Reception Studies;
  • Intercultural Studies (East-West encounters);
  • (Portuguese) Orientalism;
  • Professional Communication.

Selected publications

  • 2016. From the Far East to the Far West. Portuguese Discourse on Translation: A Case Study of Camilo Pessanha. Journal of World Languages. East and West Encounters: Translation across Time 3 (1): 37-53. DOI: 10.1080/21698252.2016.1224137. More info.
  • (Co-ed. Ariadne Nunes). 2015. Relance da Alma Japonesa, de Wenceslau de Moraes. Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda. ISBN 978-972-27-2399-2
  • (Co-ed. Rita Bueno Maia & Sara Ramos Pinto) 2015. How Peripheral Is the Periphery? Translating Portugal Back and Forth. Essays in Honour of João Ferreira Duarte. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-7420-5
  • (Co-ed. Susana Araújo & Sandra Bettencourt). 2015. Fear and Fantasy in a Global World. Leiden: Brill/Rodopi. DOI: 10.1163/9789004306042.
  • 2013. A lira chinesa em trânsito: de Machado de Assis a António Feijó. Scientia Traductionis: Machado de Assis & Tradução 14: 93-106. DOI: More info.
  • 2013. Cancioneiro chinez: The First Portuguese Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry. In Translation in Anthologies and Collections (19th and 20th Centuries). Ed. Teresa Seruya, Lieven D’hulst, Alexandra Assis Rosa & Maria Lin Moniz. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 57-74. DOI: 10.1075/btl.107.06pac
  • 2013. Oriental Paradises at the Crossroads of Cultural Translation. In Provocation and Negotiation: Essays in Comparative Criticism. Ed. Gesche Ipsen, Timothy Mathews & Dragana Obradović. Amsterdam & Atlanta: Rodopi, 33-45.
  • (Co-ed. Ana Paula Laborinho) 2010. Macau na escrita, escritas de Macau. Ribeirão: Húmus.

Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.

MOV. Moving Bodies: Circulations, Narratives and Archives in Translation / LOCUS

ORION – Portuguese Orientalism / LOCUS

Bridging East and West: a critical chronology of published translations from Japanese into Portuguese (1543-2014)

TECOP. Texts and Contexts of Portuguese Orientalism – The International Congresses of Orientalists (1873-1973)

Textos & Pretextos

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.