O Grande Terramoto de Lisboa. Ficar Diferente – Comparatistas – english version

O Grande Terramoto de Lisboa. Ficar Diferente

Editors: Helena Carvalhão Buescu e Gonçalo Cordeiro
Publisher: Gradiva
: 2005

The 1st of November 2015 marks the 250 years since the Lisbon Earthquake. This catastrophe marks a high moment of the inevitable crossing between a natural and a cultural phenomenon: the immediate and vast consequences in Portugal and Europe and the Western world; its discursive and reflexive implications (ethical, metaphysical, literary, religious, scientific, socio-political, geographical); the historical weight that it has borne until present time, as a paradigmatic phenomenon of problems such as unpredictability; the ironic contrast between glory and destruction, or the catastrophe – these are elements that make the Lisbon Earthquake a unique moment in the reflection on Nature and Culture, especially in Europe.

With what words of a prudent language can we enounce the excess made visible in the 1755 Earthquake? With what articulated language can we say what precisely disarticulates, transforms in inarticulate? In the Portuguese, European and Brazilian reactions to the Lisbon Earthquake, we can read, on one hand, the weight and fascination of a cultural dimension that chooses the figuration of the City as its place of choice and, on the other hand, the attraction of the natural dimension and the evidence of its irruption, sublime even in its destructive capacity. The diversity of reactions that the Earthquake has generated demonstrates the uniqueness of the event, which is manifested as something beyond the previously known discursive, cultural and symbolic models. The experience of the Earthquake unveils that condition, making it the pillar of survival. Crossing death and building it as a fact for the present and the future, integrating the notion of rupture in the conscience of human becoming: this is the experience that 1755 – as other events resulting from similar catastrophes – implies.

The 28 contributions that we gather here, stemming from a comparative questioning by experts from the most prestigious Portuguese, European, American and Brazilian universities, reflect the way in which we respond today to catastrophes that, even 250 years after they took place, are not felt as mere events of the past.  


  • “Sobreviver à catastrofe: sem tecto, entre ruínas”, Helena Carvalhão Buescu


    • “O sismo de 1/11/1755: significado geodinâmico”, António Ribeiro
    • “Rupturas e continuidades: a cidade herdada”, Teresa Barata Salgueiro
    • “A Antiguidade Clássica e os tremores de terra: mythos e logos”, José Pedro Serra
    • “As narrativas do desastre: a estrutura do relato e o Terramoto de 1755”, K. David Jackson

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  • “1755 e as imagens de Lisboa: a Alegoria ao Terramoto de João Glama Stroberle”, Vítor Serrão
  • “O Terramoto de 1755 e a recuperação urbana sob a influência do Marquês do Pombal”, Kenneth Maxwell


  • “De escombros e escumalhas”, Paulo de Medeiros
  • “Escrever depois de uma catástrofe: o Terramoto de 1755 e a literatura portuguesa”, Estela J. Veira
  • “Lisboa destruída e Lisboa rediviva: o mito da Fénix”, Vítor Aguiar e Silva
  • “Discurso literário e discurso científico: paradoxos e reflexões a propósito dos relatos sobre o Terramoto de Lisboa de 1755”, Fernanda Gil Costa
  • “Cesário Verde: o épico emerge das ruínas”, Paula Morão
  • “Depois do Terramoto: Eça de Queirós e as maravilhas da Avenida”, Carlos Reis
  • “Visitando ruínas”, Fernando Cabral Martins
  • “Por mais que a terra trema: terramotos em Maria Velho da Costa”, Pedro Eiras


  • “Quebrar a dor de cabeça da verdade: Lisboa 1755”, Călin-Andrei Mihăilescu
  • “O Terramoto de 1 de Novembro de 1755 nas letras francesas: entre tentação e recusa do patético”, Sophie Le Ménahèze
  • “1 de Novembro de 1755: curiosidades, prodígios e horrores”, Margarida Cardoso
    “O Terramoto de 1755 em cena: duas representações da catástrofe”, Maria João Brilhante
  • “Reverberações em Espanha do Terramoto de Lisboa”, Xosé Manuel Dasilva
  • “Construir um acontecimento, contemplar as ruínas, teorizar a natureza: a cultura italiana e o Terramoto de Lisboa”, Sergia Adamo
  • “Sobre terramotos e o seu impacte”, Susan Bassnett
  • “Sermões ingleses sobre o desastre de Lisboa”, João Almeida Flor
  • “Lisboa, a montanha mágica (Der Zauberberg) e a árvore mágica (Der Zauberbaum): discursos sobre o Terramoto na literatura alemã”, Monika Schmitz-Emans
  • “Um atoleiro de infinita tristeza: o Terramoto de Lisboa na literatura neerlandesa”, Theo D’haen
  • “Ondas grandes, bolhas pequenas: o Terramoto de Lisboa como sinal de esperança e liberdade na Europa”, Svend Erik Larsen
  • “Terra em transe e cidade geométrica: ecos no Brasil”, Renato Cordeiro Gomes
  • Nótulas biográficas dos colaboradores
  • Bibliografias


This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.