Title of the project: Artistic Curatorship and Difference in Postcolonial Lusophone and Hispanophone Atlantic Contexts.
Scholarship reference: SFRH/BPD/92492/2013
Start and end date: June, 2014 – May, 2020
This project explores the articulation of Iberian, transatlantic Lusophone and Hispanophone postcolonial presents and futures by examining the different ways in which curatorial practices exhibit and portray difference associated to colonial predicaments. The main idea of this project is that curatorial initiatives are connected not only with the cultural and political recordings of imperial pasts, but also with the present and future implications of imperial powers at large. Through a comparative analysis, the project will determine the connections and the differences between both contexts, with the intention of understanding how cultural politics and actions shape the Iberian spaces. This study will examine the politics implied in art exhibitions, biennials, performative practices and social intervention art. By so doing, I will determine how Lusophone and Hispanophone cultural practices read and portray issues such as identity, citizenship or difference, showing the implications and the contradictions of this process.