João Ferreira Duarte
Full Professor (retired)
Biographical note
João Ferreira Duarte is Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon, and a research fellow at the Centre for Comparative Studies. He has taught literary theory, post-colonial literature and translation studies, and published widely both in journals and volumes of collected essays. His publications include the volume A lição do cânone: uma auto-reflexão dos estudos literários (Lisbon, 2006), the co-edited volumes Translation Studies at the Interface of Disciplines (Amsterdam, 2006), Trans/American, Trans/Oceanic, Trans/lation: Issues in International American Studies (Newcastle upon Tyne, 2010), Europe in Black & White: Immigration, Race, and Identity in the “Old Continent” (Bristol, 2011), and a special issue of Journal of Romance Studies (2011) on “Fluid Cartographies – New Modernities”, as well as the edited collection A cultura entre tradução e etnografia (Lisbon, 2008).
Main areas of research
- Translation Studies;
- Comparative Literature;
- Literary Theory.
Selected publications
- “The Trials of translation: From global cultural flow to domestic relocation”, Journal of Romance Studies, 11, 1 (2011), 51-62.
- “Trusting translation”, Anglo-Saxonica, III Série, 3 (2012), 17-38.
- “Hamlet in Portugal: The Italian connection”, Depois do labirinto: teatro e tradução (org. M. Carvalho e D. Di Pasquale), Lisboa: Vega, 2012, 57-63.
- “Can Images Be Translated? The case of iconotexts”, (org. J. C. Viana Ferreira et al.), A Scholar for All Seasons”: Homenagem a João Almeida Flor, CEAUL, Lisboa, 2013, 439-451.
- “Towards a critique of ‘mental translations’”, (org. I. Caldeira, G. Capinha e J. Matos), The Edge of One of Many Circles: Homenagem a Irene Ramalho Santos, Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2017, 369-379.
Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.
MOV. Moving Bodies: Circulations, Narratives and Archives in Translation / LOCUS