Paula Mendes Coelho – Comparatistas – english version

Paula Mendes Coelho

Senior Lecturer


foto_Paula_Mendes_CoelhoBiographical note

Paula Mendes Coelho is a permanent Auxiliary Professor in the Humanities Department of Universidade Aberta. Masters in Comparative Literary Studies, Doctorate in French Studies, specializing in Comparative Literature. Coordinates since 2010 the “Masters program in Comparative Studies–Literature and other Arts” (Univ. Aberta). Research in the field of Comparative Studies (Modern and Contemporary French and Portuguese Literature; French and Belgian Symbolism; Inter-art Studies; Translation Studies; the works of M.G. Llansol; Fernando Pessoa…). Author of the work Questões de poética simbolista. Do Romantismo à Modernidade (FCT/FCG, 2006) and of articles and essays in the field of Comparative Studies. Integrated researcher for CEC (Centro de Estudos Comparatistas-FLUL) and collaborator of IELT-CEIL (Literary-Imaginary studies, FCSH-Univ.Nova, Lisboa). Scientific orientation (masters, doctorates, post-doctorates). Member of a variety of national and international literary associations and of editorial and scientific councils. Activities in the area of “Promotion of Literary Reading.” Recently was Vice-president of Scientific Coordination of the “Congresso Internacional Mário Dionísio” (27-30 Out. 2016), organized by CEC-FLUL , in cooperation with Casa da Achada-Centro Mário Dionísio/Museu do Neo-Realismo/Associação Promotora do Museu do Neo-Realismo. Member of the Jury of Grande Prémio APE (Portuguese Association of Writers), 2016 e 2017.

Main areas of reasearch

  • Modern and Contemporary French and Portuguese Literature;
  • French and Belgian Symbolism;
  • Inter-art Studies;
  • Translation Studies;
  • The works of  M.G. Llansol and Fernando Pessoa.

Selected publications

  • Questões de poética simbolista. Do romantismo à modernidade. Lisboa: FCT/FCG/MCES, 2006.
  • “Ensinar Poesia no século XXI: do comparativismo à escrita cosmopolita de Maria Gabriela Llansol”. In Pensar a Literatura no séc. XXI (Org. Cândido Oliveira Martins). Braga: Publicações Filosofia Universidade Católica Portuguesa, 2011, pp. 287-297. More info.
  • “Baudelaire, Pierre Louÿs e Mallarmé: a fabulosa montagem de M.G. Llansol pelo desejo de traduzir animada”. In Trans-Dizer Llansol. Tradutora/traduzida/transcriada (Org. João Barrento/Etelvina Santos). Lisboa: Mariposa Azual, 2014, pp. 71-87. More info.
  • “Pessoa, ‘leitor voraz e ardente’ dos simbolistas e de suas curiosas ‘tentativas frustes’. In COLÓQUIO-Letras (À volta de ‘Orpheu’) Lisboa: Fund. Gulbenkian, Nº 190, Set-Dez. 2015, pp. 45-58.(Vai estar online/site Gulbenkian)
  • “ O trágico quotidiano”: Ética e poética em O Gebo e a Sombra de Manoel de Oliveira”. In Os Pobres no Cinema de Manoel de Oliveira (Estudos Interdisciplinares de Cinema, Literatura e Sociedade). Org. Renata Junqueira). São Paulo: Editora Todas as Musas, 2017.

Around Symbolism: Literature and Art / THELEME

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.