Clara Rowland
Senior Lecturer (Professora Auxiliar)
Biographical Note:
Clara Rowland is Assistant Professor at the Romance Literatures Department of the University of Lisbon, Portugal, where she teaches Brazilian and Comparative Literature, and researcher of the Centre for Comparative Studies of the same University. She is the coordinator of the collective project False Movement – Studies on Writing and Film. Her main area of research is Comparative Studies, focusing on issues of representation and materiality in modern literature and film. Her work on the book as a material object in the fiction of Brazilian writer João Guimarães Rosa has been published in 2011 in Brazil (Unicamp).
Five Selected Publications:
- 2011. A Forma do Meio. Livro e Narração na obra de João Guimarães Rosa. Campinas: Editora da UNICAMP.
- 2013. “Deliveries of absence: epistolary structures in Classical Cinema” in The Writer on Screen: Screening Literary Authorship, Judith Buchanan (org.). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2010. “Revelações ópticas: visão e distorção nos contos de Clarice Lispector”, Românica. nº 19. 23-34.
- 2008. “A ideia de poesia é a prosa: forma e conhecimento poético” in Poesia e Arte – A Arte da Poesia. Homenagem a Manuel Gusmão, Helena Carvalhão Buescu e Kelly Basilio (eds.). Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.
- 2009. “Forms of Crossing: Book and Margin in the Work of Guimarães Rosa”, Variants 6, Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship.