International conference “Voyage and Cosmopolitanism: From the Island to the World”
Dates: 25-26 October 2018
Venue: Funchal (Madeira Island, Portugal)
The University of Madeira and the Centre for Comparative Studies of the University of Lisbon (Travel and Utopia project, LOCUS group) – are organizing a scientific meeting entitled “Voyage and Cosmopolitanism: From the Island to the World”, to be held at the University of Madeira on the 25th and 26th October 2018, in partnership with several Research Centres and Institutions.
We intend to problematize various issues in the current scholarship of the humanities and social sciences from inter- and cross-cultural perspectives: cultural heritage, culture and globalization, identity and the sense of belonging, the impact of (re)writing literatures and other arts within the ethics of “reliance”, proposed by Edgar Morin, and of the universalizing singularities, in Alain Badiou’s view.
Citizen of a world which is increasingly liquefied and in constant rebuilding, how have an individual and his/her geography been and still are depicted? In a world which should not deny the frontiers, but rather question them, recalling Galin Tihanov’s perspective on the current concept of exile, as an experience associated with creativity and / or suffering as a way of conceiving a new cosmopolitanism in a society that recreates otherness, how can Social Sciences and Humanities contribute to this mirroring of both the dialogue and interrogation in various clines and categorizations?
In the many paths that Comparison, Relation and Encounter allow in a ever changing world, our objective is to promote reflection and debate on the idea of Cosmopolitanism, voyage and Utopia in its multiple aspects, underlying the dialogic exchange between the local and the global and inherently the idea of Citizenship.
Organizing Committee:
- Alcina Sousa
- Ana Isabel Moniz
- Cristina Santos Pinheiro
- Joaquim Pinheiro
- Leonor Coelho
Scientific Committee:
- Ana Paula Coutinho (ILC – Universidade do Porto)
- Cristina Álvares (CEHUM/Universidade do Minho)
- Cristina Pimentel (CEC-Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Universidade de Lisboa)
- Delfim Leão (CECH/Universidade de Coimbra)
- Dominique Faria (CEC/Universidade dos Açores)
- Eugénia Pereira (CLLC/Universidade de Aveiro)
- Fernanda Olival (CIDEHUS/Universidade de Évora)
- Françoise Graziani (UMR CNRS 6240 LISA- Chaire Esprit Méditerranéen Paul Valéry/ Université de Corse)
- Helena Buescu (CEC/Universidade de Lisboa)
- José Pedro Serra (CEC-Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Universidade de Lisboa)
- José Tolentino Mendonça (Universidade Católica Portuguesa)
- Maria João Marçalo (CEL/Universidade de Évora)
- Maria de Lourdes Câncio Martins (CEC/Universidade de Lisboa)
- María-Pilar Tresaco (T3 AxEl/ Universidade de Saragoça)
- Onésimo Teotónio Almeida (Brown University)
- Otília Pires Martins (CLLC/Universidade de Aveiro)
- Rodrigo Furtado (CEC- Centro de Estudos Clássicos/Universidade de Lisboa)
- Rui Carita (Universidade da Madeira)
- Sérgio Guimarães Sousa (CEHUM/Universidade do Minho)
- Teresa Cid (CEAUL/ Universidade de Lisboa)
Organizing Institution:
Universidade da Madeira & CEC – Universidade de Lisboa (Research Project Travel and Utopia)
Research Centres & Universities cooperating in this conference:
CEAUL/ULICES, Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa
CEC, Centro de Estudos Comparatistas – Universidade de Lisboa
CEC, Centro de Estudos Clássicos – Universidade de Lisboa
CECH, Centro de Estudos Clássicos e Humanísticos – Universidade de Coimbra
CIDEHUS, Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades – Universidade de Évora ILC, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa – Universidade do Porto
ILC, Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa- Universidade do Porto
LIHAM (Grupo de Pesquisa) – Limiar Humano / Animal / Máquina – Universidade do Minho
Partner Association:
APEF – Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Franceses