CEC-Biblioteca – Comparatistas – english version
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *
W. J. T. Mitchell
What do Pictures want?
Chicago - University of Chicago Press,2006 (Livro) []
W. J. T. Mitchell
Iconology : Image, Text, Ideology
Chicago - University of Chicago Press,2006 (Livro) []
W. J. T. Mitchell
The Language of Images
Chicago - University of Chicago Press,2006 (Livro) []
W. J. T. Mitchell
The Last Dinosaur Book
Chicago - University of Chicago Press,2006 (Livro) []
W. J. T. Mitchell (ed.)
On Narrative
Chicago - University of Chicago Press,2006 (Livro) []
W. J. T. Mitchell (ed.)
Art and the Public Sphere
Chicago - University of Chicago Press,2006 (Livro) []
Ward, Graham (ed.)
The Certeau Reader
Oxford - Blackwell,2000 (Livro) [CEC 1 WARD]
Weber, Eugen
Apocalypses et Millénarismes: Prophéties, cultes et croyances millénaristes à travers les âges
Paris - Fayard,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 WEBE]
Weiss, Gail
Body Images: Embodiment as Intercorporeality
New York - Routledge,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 WEIS]
White, Hayden
Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism
Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins University Press,2004 (Livro) [CEC 1 WHIT]
White, Hayden
The Content of the Form: narrative Discourse and Historical Representation
Baltimore - The Johns Hopkins University Press,1997 (Livro) [CEC 1 WHIT]
White, Hugh C.
Narration and Discourse in the Book of Genesis
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press,1991 (Livro) [CEC 1 WHIT]
Wilentz, Sean (ed)
Rites of Power: Symbolism, ritual and politics since the middle ages
Philadelphia - University of Pennsylvannia Press Philadelphia,1985 (Livro) [CEC 1 WILE]
Williams, Patrick, Laura Chrisman (eds.)
Colonial Discourse and Post-colonial Theory: a Reader
New York - Columbia University Press,1994 (Livro) [CEC 1 WILL]
Wispé, Lauren
The Psychology of Sympathy
New York - Plenum Press,1991 (Livro) [CEC 1 WISP]
Wittgenstein Ludwig
Aula e Conversas sobre Estética, Psicologia e Fé Religiosa
Lisboa - Livros Cotovia,1998 (Livro) [CEC 1 WITT]
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Tratado Lógico-Filosófico / Investigações Filosóficas
Lisboa - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian,2002 (Livro) [CEC 1 WITT]
Wolfgang Schirmacher (ed.)
German 20th Century Philosofy: the Frankfurt School
New York - Continuum,2006 (Livro) [CEC 1 SCHI]
Woodfield, Richard (ed.)
The Essential Gombrich: Selected Writings on Art and Culture
Londres - Phaidon,1996 (Livro) [CEC 1 GOMB]
Woodward, Kathryn (ed)
Identity and Difference
Londres - SAGE Publications,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 WOOD]
Woolf, D. R.
Reading History in Early Modern England
Cambridge - Cambridge University Press,2000 (Livro) [CEC 1 WOOL]
Wright, G. H. von
Ludwig Wittgenstein: culture and Value (revised edition)
Londres - Blackwell,1998 (Livro) [CEC 1 WRIG]
This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.