CEC-Biblioteca – Comparatistas – english version
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *
Habermas, Jürgen
O discurso filosófico da modernidade
Lisboa - Publicações Dom Quixote,2000 (Livro) [CEC 1 HABE]
Habermas, Jürgen
The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
Cambridge - Polity Press,2005 (Livro) [CEC 1 HABE]
Haddad-Wotling, Karen
L’enfant qui a faili se taire: Essai sur l’écriture autobiographique
Paris - Honoré Champion,2004 (Livro) [CEC 1 HADD]
Hadfield, Andrew, Dominic Rainford, Tim Woods
The Ethics in Literature
Londres - Macmillan,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 HADF]
Hajicová, Eva
Prague Linguistic Circle Papers 2
Amsterdam - John Benjamins Publishing Company,2006 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAJI]
Hajicová, Eva
Prague Linguistic Circle Papers 1
Amsterdam - John Benjamins Publishing Company,2006 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAJI]
Hajicová, Eva
Prague Linguistic Circle Papers 3
Amsterdam - John Benjamins Publishing Company,2006 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAJI]
Hall, Edward T.
The Dance of Life: The Other Dimension of Time
New York - Anchor Books,1989 (Livro) [CEC 1 HALL]
Hardin, James N.
Reflection and Action: essays on the bildungsroman
Columbia - University of South Carolina Press,1991 (Livro) [CEC 1 HARD]
Harris, Max
Carnival and Other Christian Festival: Folk Theology and Folk Performance
Austin - University of Texas Press,2003 (Livro) [CEC 1 HARR]
Hart, Jonathan Locke
Dream China
Ottawa - BuschekBooks,2002 (Livro) [CEC 1 HART]
Hart, Kathleen
Revolution and Women’s Autobiography in Nineteenth-Century France
Amsterdam - Rodopi,2005 (Livro) [CEC 1 HART]
Havelock, Eric A.
The Muse Learns to Write: reflections on Orality and Literacy from Antiquity to the Present
New Haven - Yale University Press,1986 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAVE]
Hawley, John C. (ed)
Writing the Nation: Self and Country in the Post-Colonial Imagination
Amsterdam - Rodopi,1996 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAWL]
Hayles, N. Katherine
How we Became Posthuman: virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature, and informatics
Chicago - The University of Chicago Press,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAYL]
Hays, Michael, Anastasia Nikolopaoulou (eds)
Melodrama: The Cultural Emergence of a Genre
Londres - Macmillan,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 HAYS]
Hebel, Udo J. (ed)
Intextuality, Allusion, and Quotation: An International Bibliography of Critical Studies
New York - Greenwood Press,1989 (Livro) [CEC 1 HEBE]
Heiting, Manfred (ed.)
Man Ray, 1890-1976
Londres - Taschen,2001 (Catálogo) [CEC 5 HEIT]
Heller, Agnes
A Theory od Modernity
Massachusetts - Blackwell,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 HELL]
Hendrix, Harald, Joost Kloek, Sophie Levie e Will Van Peer
The Search for a New Alpfabet: Literary Studies in a Changing World
Amsterdam - John Benjamins Publishing Company,1996 (Livro) [CEC 1 HEND]
Henkel, Jacqueline M.
The Language of Criticism: Linguistic Models and Literary Theory
Ithaca - Cornell University Press,1996 (Livro) [CEC 1 HENK]
Herzfeld, Michael
A Antropologia do Outro Lado do Espelho: Etnografia Crítica nas Margens da Europa
Miraflores - Difel,2001 (Livro) [CEC 1 HERZ]
Hirsch, Marianne
Family Frames: Photography, Narrative and Postmemory
Cambridge - Harvard University Press,2002 (Jornal) [CEC 1 HIRS]
Homero (trad. de Frederico Lourenço)
Lisboa - Livros Cotovia,2005 (Livro) [CEC 2 HOME]
Homero (trad. Frederico Lourenço)
Lisboa - Livros Cotovia,2003 (Livro) [CEC 2 HOME]
Hooft, Stan van
Life, Death and Subjectivity: Moral Sources in Bioethics
Amsterdam - Rodopi,2004 (Livro) [CEC 1 HOOF]
Horkheimer, Max, Th. W. Adorno
La Dialectique de la Raison
Paris - Gallimard,1974 (Livro) [CEC 1 ADOR]
Hourcade, Pierre
Temas de Literatura Portuguesa
Lisboa - Moraes Editores,1978 (Livro) [CEC 1 HOUR]
Hout, Syrine Chafic
Viewing Europe from the Outside: Cultural Encounters and Critiques in the Eighteenth-Century Pseudo-Oriental Travelogue and the Nineteenth-Century ‘Voyage en Orient’
Girona - Peter Lang,1997 (Livro) [CEC 1 HOUT]
Hugues, Micheline
L’Utopie (2 exemplares)
Paris - Nathan,1999 (Livro) [CEC 1 HUGU]
Huizinga, Johan
Homo ludens: essai sur la fonction sociale du jeu
Paris - Gallimard,1951 (Jornal) [CEC 1 HUIZ]
Hunt, John Dixon e Peter Willis (eds.)
The Genius of the Place: The English Landscape Garden 1620-1820
Cambridge - The MIT Press,2000 (Livro) [CEC 1 HUNT]
This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.