Luísa Afonso Soares – Comparatistas – english version

Luísa Afonso Soares

Senior Lecturer


foto_LuísaSoaresBiographical note

Luísa Afonso Soares is an Assistant Professor at the University of Lisbon, where she completed her PhD in German Literature in 1998. She teaches German Literature and Culture, Gender Studies and Visual Culture at the Lisbon University in both the undergraduate and graduate programmes. She is the Director of the Undergraduate Programme in Comparative Studies (FLUL). She belongs to the teaching staff of the International PhD Programme in Comparative Studies (PhD-Comp) and of the Programme in Culture and Communication at the Faculdade de Letras of the University of Lisbon. Her teaching and research interests include the 18th and 20th century literature and culture, memory studies as well as film studies, identity and gender studies. She has published articles and has presented papers at national and international conferences on these areas. She is a member of the Centre for Comparative Studies, where she works on the project “Aesthetics of Memory and Emotions”. She has co-organized Discursos de Memória. Espaço. Tempo. Identidade (Lisboa 2008) and Estudos de Memória. Teoria e Análise Cultural (V.N.Famalicão 2016)

Main areas of research

  • Memory Studies;
  • Gender Studies;
  • Visual Culture Studies;
  • Film Studies;
  • Representation of migrator y experiences.

Selected publications

  • “Vicky Baum and Gina Kaus: Female Creativity on the Margins” in Practicing Modernity. Female Creativity in the Weimar Republic, ed. Christiane Schönfeld, Würzburg, 2006, 324- 342.
  • “The Memory of an Emotion in The Bridge over the Drina by Ivo Andric” in Filologia, Memória e Esquecimento, Org. Fernanda Mota Alves, Sofia Tavares, Ricardo Gil Soeiro, Daniela di Pasquale, Lisboa, 2010, 455- 468.
  • “Die unerträgliche Last der Erinnerungen: über Ruth Klüger und Imre Kertész“. In Rahmenwechsel Kulturwissenschaft, herausgegeben von. P. Hanenberg/I.C.Gil/ F.V.Guarda/F.Clara, Würzburg, 2010, 287- 296.
  • “Excess and Absence: a game with the reader’s emotion in Robert Schneider’s Brother of Sleep” in Estética das Emoções, org. Fernanda Gil Costa/Igor Furão, Lisboa, 2011, 225 – 234.
  • “Das Archiv als Gedächtnis oder die Aporien der Erinnerungsarbeit. Zu Rayk Wielands Ich schlage vor, dass wir uns küssen“ in Revista de Estudos Germanísticos, Nr.4. 2013. Mais info.
  • “Lugares de afecto ou de contenção: a economia das emoções em Do Outro Lado de Fatih Akin” in DEDALUS, Revista Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada nº17-18 2013-2014. Edições Cosmos.
  • “When we leave, it’s important to leave something behind us”: Constructing Transcultural Memories in German film” in Mário Matos, Joanna Paisana e Margarida Esteves Pereira (Eds.) (2016), Mapping Displaced Memories. V.N.Famalicão: Húmus.
  • „Transitdasein oder irgendwo Zuhause? Emotionen und Affekte in Texten von Yadé Kara“ in Carmen Bescansa, Garbiñe Iztueta u. Mario Saalbach (Hgg.) Raum-Gefühl-Heimat: Literarische Repräsentationen nach 1945, LiteraturWissenschaft, Marburg 2017

Some publications are available in the repository of the University of Lisbon.

Aesthetics of Memory and Emotions / MORPHE

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the project UIDB/00509/2020 and UIDP/00509/2020.